High-end Cigar Bar in Hong Kong
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In recent years, Hong Kong has been a crucial hub for alternative investment product trading. Wines, liquor, tea, jade jewellery, coins, almost all items you can name can been found in Hong Kong, and of course, cigars. Cigar bars and shops have been increasingly popular here and have attracted cigar fans and investors. As one of the world’s freest economy, local business are free to import different tobacco products. Cigars from Cuba, Honduras etc. have been greatly demanded.
Cigars have to be stored with great care, with ultimately high sensitivity to external environment, cigars are vulnerable to any improper temperature or humidity condition, which affect textures, tastes and its investment values. In order to well store customers’ collections, bars and shops generally offer personal cigar storage lockers with well-conditioned temperature and humidity control for most ideal storage environment, and all unnecessary human intervention should be avoided. Thus, our client – a high-end cigar bar – has expressed desire to offer the most optimal personal cigar storage to customers.